Share Your Story – Contact Centre Volunteers and Staff

Thank you for your interest in sharing your experience at Distress Centre with us. For general information and an FAQ on Distress Centre’s storytelling initiative, please go here. If you do not volunteer/work in the contact centre, please fill out this form instead for other volunteers and staff.

It will take around 20 minutes to complete the questions, but you are of course welcome to spend as much time on them as you’d like. If you would prefer to share your story by phone or in-person with a member of our storytelling committee, please fill out this form instead and someone will get in touch with you to set up an interview.

Once you’ve completed the questions below, someone will follow up with you within a week to confirm your answers were received and ask for any needed clarification or follow up questions.

Where will my story be shared? – See the answer to that and other common questions in our FAQ found at the bottom of the page.