Yes, you can get a tax receipt for your donation. For online donations, you will get a tax receipt in your email shortly after you make the donation. For cheques, direct deposits, or cash donations, please allow us 30-45 days to issue your receipt. For faster processing, please include your email address so we can send an e-receipt instead of a printed one.
Note that you need to be the true donor in order to be eligible to receive a tax receipt. If you are donating the proceeds from a fundraiser, sale, or a group, please select the most appropriate category on this page or donate via cheque instead. You may request for tax receipts if you have the names and e-mails of the individuals who donated to your fundraising event. Please refer to question 10 for more details.
If you did not receive your tax receipt, have trouble locating it, or want to make a correction, please contact us at