
COVID-19: 1 Year Later – Crisis Program Response


COVID-19: 1 Year Later – Crisis Program Response One year of pandemic response at Distress Centre Calgary This is part one in our multi-part series exploring Distress Centre’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, one year after we first activated our business continuity plan and went remote for the safety of our staff and volunteers. It hasn’t been [...]

COVID-19: 1 Year Later – Crisis Program Response2022-10-10T20:45:37+00:00

50 Stories Part 50: Volunteers are Everywhere


50 Stories Part 50: Volunteers are Everywhere Image: ConnecTeen volunteers (Amy Li on the right) at the 2014 Calgary Hitmen game in support of ConnecTeen. Read - 50 Stories Part 49 There would be no Distress Centre without the original group of volunteers, so it seems only fitting that our 50th story focuses [...]

50 Stories Part 50: Volunteers are Everywhere2023-03-27T20:12:14+00:00

Volunteer Spotlight: Romit Panesar


Volunteer Spotlight: Romit Panesar Some people know from early in their lives what they have passion for. The vast majority however, discover which areas interest them through experience and exploration. For Romit Panesar, a crisis line and leadership volunteer at Distress Centre, an unexpected introduction to mental illness is what drove him to [...]

Volunteer Spotlight: Romit Panesar2022-10-10T20:02:27+00:00

50 Stories Part 37: Just To Hear Another Voice – Volunteers in the 2000s


50 Stories Part 37: Just To Hear Another Voice - Volunteers in the 2000s Image: Volunteers receiving recognition for their years of service with Distress Centre at the 2004 Volunteer Banquet. Laura (far left) has a Distress Centre teapot! Read - 50 Stories Part 36 Despite many predictions, the world did not end [...]

50 Stories Part 37: Just To Hear Another Voice – Volunteers in the 2000s2023-03-27T20:15:35+00:00

50 Stories Part 23: That’s Dedication – Glenda Nyberg, Volunteer from 1983 to 2002


Image: Glenda Nyberg in her home in 2018. Read - 50 Stories Part 22 From the beginning, volunteers have been the backbone of Distress Centre’s service to the community. One of many individuals who have commented on their importance is Dr. Jackie Sieppert, Dean of Social Work at the University of Calgary and former Board [...]

50 Stories Part 23: That’s Dedication – Glenda Nyberg, Volunteer from 1983 to 20022020-06-16T09:00:08+00:00

50 Stories Part 22: Getting needs met – volunteering in the ’90s


50 Stories Part 22: Getting needs met - volunteering in the '90s Image: Volunteers at the 1994 Christmas party. Read - 50 Stories Part 21 150 volunteers were on the lines in 1990, with a new shift from 9 pm to 2 am added due to volume.  The initial phone number from [...]

50 Stories Part 22: Getting needs met – volunteering in the ’90s2023-03-27T20:26:32+00:00

50 Stories Part 14: Lending an Ear in the 80s


Image: This image of volunteers appeared in our 20 year anniversary publication in 1990. Read - 50 Stories Part 13 At the 1980 AGM, Jeanette McEachern was proud to say the Centre had a solid volunteer training program, a good funding base and an active and responsible volunteer group. She also remarked that “other centres [...]

50 Stories Part 14: Lending an Ear in the 80s2020-04-07T17:58:30+00:00

50 Stories Part 8: Day and Night, They Were the Ones


50 Stories Part 8: Day and Night, They Were the Ones Read - 50 Stories Part 7 From the first days of the Drug Information Centre, volunteers have been key to its success. Since most early volunteers did not have any formal training in counselling, it was not uncommon to run into [...]

50 Stories Part 8: Day and Night, They Were the Ones2023-03-27T20:01:51+00:00

Self-care tips from crisis line volunteers


      Self-care is any activity that we intentionally do in order to take care of our physical, mental and emotional health. Practicing self-care helps you avoid burn out, improve your mood and reduce anxiety. By taking care of yourself you’re able to be there for others when they need you. As Karen Pickles [...]

Self-care tips from crisis line volunteers2023-05-30T17:38:12+00:00
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