
Summer Self-Care


Summer Self-Care July 24th is International Self-Care Day, a day to nurture yourself and respect your needs. Any activity we intentionally do to care for our physical, mental, and emotional health is self-care. When you practice meaningful self-care, you can avoid burnout, reduce anxiety, improve your mood, and ensure you have the mental [...]

Summer Self-Care2023-07-24T23:39:53+00:00

SORCe celebrates it’s 10 year anniversary!


SORCe celebrates it’s 10 year anniversary! SORCe is ten years old! SORCe (Safe Communities Opportunity and Resource Centre) opened its doors on June 18th, 2013, with the goal of creating one location where multiple agencies work together to help people experiencing or facing homelessness. Distress Centre has been at SORCe serving Calgary’s most [...]

SORCe celebrates it’s 10 year anniversary!2023-07-07T22:58:30+00:00

Reflecting on the ten year anniversary of the Alberta floods


Reflecting on the ten year anniversary of the Alberta floods Image: Riverfront Avenue in Calgary after the 2013 flood. Photo by Ryan Quan. This June marks the ten year anniversary of the Alberta floods, which included major flooding in Calgary, High River and the surrounding communities. More than 100,000 people were impacted with many losing [...]

Reflecting on the ten year anniversary of the Alberta floods2023-06-22T18:52:31+00:00

Get to Know Distress Centre’s CEO, Robyn Romano


Get to Know Distress Centre's CEO, Robyn Romano Watch: Please note that answers have been edited for clarity and length. Q: What was your journey to becoming CEO like? How did you get started? Robyn: I've actually been at Distress Centre for about 15 years. I came as a social [...]

Get to Know Distress Centre’s CEO, Robyn Romano2023-05-25T22:50:38+00:00

Q1 Update with Robyn Romano, Distress Centre’s CEO


Q1 Update with Robyn Romano, Distress Centre's CEO 2023 has had a lot in store for Distress Centre. Join Robyn Romano, Distress Centre CEO, and Aisha Sheikh, Crisis Line Volunteer, to learn about exciting updates, events and more in our Q1 update. Watch: Please note that answers have been edited for clarity [...]

Q1 Update with Robyn Romano, Distress Centre’s CEO2023-05-17T22:43:51+00:00

Volunteer Spotlight: Aaron


Volunteer Spotlight: Aaron Aaron has always been the supportive and empathetic ear that his friends and family turn to during difficult times. It’s part of the reason why he decided to pursue education and a career in counselling. Wanting to receive front-line experience in talking to and helping others, he signed up to [...]

Volunteer Spotlight: Aaron2023-04-19T19:06:19+00:00

Volunteerism and volunteer appreciation with Robyn and Aisha


Volunteerism and volunteer appreciation with Robyn and Aisha Distress Centre Calgary CEO, Robyn, and Aisha, Crisis Line Volunteer, reflect on and thank Distress Centre Calgary’s selfless volunteers for their positive impact on the community. Watch: Please note that answers have been edited for clarity and length. Aisha: Good afternoon, everyone. My name [...]

Volunteerism and volunteer appreciation with Robyn and Aisha2023-05-17T22:43:40+00:00

Volunteer Spotlight: Lisa


Volunteer Spotlight: Lisa Lisa joined Distress Centre as an Online Services Volunteer in September 2021. Though she initially applied to volunteer to meet a requirement of her educational program, she quickly found that what she gained from volunteering went far beyond college credits. “I don't really look at it as what I do for [...]

Volunteer Spotlight: Lisa2023-02-08T18:45:58+00:00

Why volunteer?


Why Volunteer? After a long day of work, school, or whatever you have going on, you’re likely looking forward to getting home and relaxing. Your couch is calling your name and you haven’t had a moment to just breathe all day. Life is busy. So, why make time to volunteer? Why spend the energy [...]

Why volunteer?2023-02-08T18:45:59+00:00

Staff Spotlight: Kaiden Jobin


Staff Spotlight: Kaiden Jobin At three in the morning, when most people are asleep, Kaiden Jobin is listening. He’s listening to a man who can’t sleep because he’s worried about his job. He’s listening to a woman who’s starting to realize her drinking is a problem. He’s listening to a senior who feels [...]

Staff Spotlight: Kaiden Jobin2023-02-08T18:46:00+00:00
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