
Distress Centre’s journey to accreditation with the American Association of Suicidology


Distress Centre’s journey to accreditation with the American Association of Suicidology Distress Centre received accreditation from the American Association of Suicidology on February 3, 2021. Guest post by: Mike Velthuis Kroeze, Crisis Program Manager A quick Google search for the definition of accreditation suggests “the action or process of officially recognizing someone as having [...]

Distress Centre’s journey to accreditation with the American Association of Suicidology2022-10-10T17:13:08+00:00

Self-care tips from crisis line volunteers


      Self-care is any activity that we intentionally do in order to take care of our physical, mental and emotional health. Practicing self-care helps you avoid burn out, improve your mood and reduce anxiety. By taking care of yourself you’re able to be there for others when they need you. As Karen Pickles [...]

Self-care tips from crisis line volunteers2023-05-30T17:38:12+00:00

You can help us save lives


“I called. They answered. They listened. Suicide is serious and they took me seriously.” — Caller We respond to 325 contacts each day. This is a particularly difficult time of year for so many, please help us support our community by giving a gift that will help our volunteers and staff save lives. Your gift [...]

You can help us save lives2019-12-12T12:56:30+00:00

Keynote speaker shares his struggles and his triumphs


Bob Wilkie, a native Calgarian, fell in love with playing hockey as soon as his dad introduced him to the game as a child. He grew up near outdoor rinks and was able to practice frequently. Soon he began to dream of playing for the NHL. In 1987, at age 18, he realized that dream [...]

Keynote speaker shares his struggles and his triumphs2019-09-13T12:27:36+00:00

World Suicide Prevention Day: More people comfortable talking about suicide online versus on the phone


September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day and Distress Centre wants anyone experiencing suicidal thoughts or struggling with their mental health to know that help is available. We offer 24/7 phone support, professional counselling and daily online chat support and text support for youth. In 2019 Distress Centre has observed that people prefer to talk [...]

World Suicide Prevention Day: More people comfortable talking about suicide online versus on the phone2019-09-10T09:01:05+00:00

Distress Centre’s Impact Part 2: Stories from our service users


Distress Centre has responded to over 38,000 crisis calls, chats, texts and emails so far in 2019 (as of June 30th). Here are two stories highlighting the skill and compassion of our volunteers as they support a caller and a texter through crisis. Arnav Arnav called Distress Centre at 11:45 on a Thursday night. He [...]

Distress Centre’s Impact Part 2: Stories from our service users2019-07-30T16:48:48+00:00

For World Suicide Prevention Day: 19% of Distress Centre’s online contacts are suicide related


Last year Distress Centre Calgary responded to 113,975 calls, emails, chats, texts and counselling requests from people in distress. From January 1st to July 31st, 2017 suicide presented on 3,925 calls which is 8.5% of our total call volume to date. On our online crisis service suicide presented itself on 19% or 956 chats, emails [...]

For World Suicide Prevention Day: 19% of Distress Centre’s online contacts are suicide related2017-09-11T20:19:44+00:00

5 steps to help someone who is having suicidal thoughts


5 steps to help someone who is having suicidal thoughts In recent years there has been a push to normalize talking about mental health and mental illness to help end the stigma that surrounds it. But sometimes, even if you have the best intentions, you can find yourself floundering when someone confides in you [...]

5 steps to help someone who is having suicidal thoughts2023-01-23T19:34:56+00:00

Are you having thoughts of suicide? Reach out for help


September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day. Distress Centre wants to encourage anyone experiencing suicidal thoughts or struggling with their mental health in any way, to reach out for help. Right now, Calgarians and Albertans are struggling. According to the Labour Force Survey, 43,000 jobs in the oil and gas sector were lost in Alberta from [...]

Are you having thoughts of suicide? Reach out for help2016-09-22T17:54:58+00:00

5 steps to help someone in distress


5 steps to help someone in distress The fight to end the stigma surrounding mental health and mental illness has largely centered on talking. Awareness days like "Bell Let’s Talk Day" are an example of this. We agree that discussing our mental health challenges can be one of the best ways to erase the stigma [...]

5 steps to help someone in distress2023-01-23T19:34:16+00:00
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