Report to the Community

2022 Annual Report


2022 Annual Report - Distress Centre Calgary In our society, people talk about mental health more than ever. But suicide is often kept quiet – and it’s costing lives. If you or someone in your life have thoughts about suicide, please talk about it. And know that Distress Centre [...]

2022 Annual Report2023-05-17T22:43:19+00:00

2021 Report to the Community


HOPE GROWS IN THE FACE OF CHALLENGES 2021 was a tough year. Albertans continued to deal with COVID-19 alongside their own personal challenges and crises. Distress Centre was always there to listen and offer hope to those who needed it through such uncertain times. See our Report to the Community to learn about our [...]

2021 Report to the Community2023-02-08T18:46:06+00:00

2018 Report to the Community


We're here for you when things seem dark. Everyone has dark days, dark thoughts and dark moods. Often these dark clouds come and go, but sometimes the storm doesn’t pass so quickly. This year, we’ve helped thousands of Calgarians find their way to a brighter place. See the 2018 Report to the Community [...]

2018 Report to the Community2022-08-18T17:27:12+00:00

2017 Report to the Community


We are all connected. Today, our world is more connected than ever by things like social media, text and chat. Yet with all this digital connection, we lose human contact—seeing words and images on a screen instead of the people behind them. We consume faster, compare ourselves to other people’s “highlight reels” and become [...]

2017 Report to the Community2022-08-18T17:38:11+00:00
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