Personal Story

Volunteer Spotlight: Aaron


Volunteer Spotlight: Aaron Aaron has always been the supportive and empathetic ear that his friends and family turn to during difficult times. It’s part of the reason why he decided to pursue education and a career in counselling. Wanting to receive front-line experience in talking to and helping others, he signed up to [...]

Volunteer Spotlight: Aaron2023-04-19T19:06:19+00:00

Three lessons from the 2022 AIRS Conference in Baltimore


Three lessons from the 2022 AIRS Conference in Baltimore Guest Post: Nadiya Hasan, 211 Community Resource Specialist and Contact Centre Coordinator at Distress Centre Calgary. Nadiya attended the AIRS Learn conference in Baltimore, Maryland in October 2022. AIRS (The Alliance of Information and Referral Systems) is the professional membership association for community Information [...]

Three lessons from the 2022 AIRS Conference in Baltimore2023-04-15T20:30:04+00:00

Volunteer Spotlight: Lisa


Volunteer Spotlight: Lisa Lisa joined Distress Centre as an Online Services Volunteer in September 2021. Though she initially applied to volunteer to meet a requirement of her educational program, she quickly found that what she gained from volunteering went far beyond college credits. “I don't really look at it as what I do for [...]

Volunteer Spotlight: Lisa2023-02-08T18:45:58+00:00

Staff Spotlight: Kaiden Jobin


Staff Spotlight: Kaiden Jobin At three in the morning, when most people are asleep, Kaiden Jobin is listening. He’s listening to a man who can’t sleep because he’s worried about his job. He’s listening to a woman who’s starting to realize her drinking is a problem. He’s listening to a senior who feels [...]

Staff Spotlight: Kaiden Jobin2023-02-08T18:46:00+00:00

Rest in peace, Lee Horbachewski


Rest in peace, Lee Horbachewski To sum up everything Lee did for Distress Centre Calgary in just a few paragraphs is impossible. The impact of her generosity, advocacy and spirit is immeasurable. Distress Centre rarely has caller stories to share, as most people don't want others to know they've used Distress Centre's [...]

Rest in peace, Lee Horbachewski2023-02-08T18:46:03+00:00

Volunteer Spotlight: Ahsan


Volunteer Spotlight: Ahsan Content Warning: mention of suicide Ahsan has been volunteering with Distress Centre and our ConnecTeen youth program since 2015 but he still remembers the call that changed the way he handles crisis calls. Ahsan answered a call from someone who told him they were having thoughts of suicide, [...]

Volunteer Spotlight: Ahsan2023-02-08T18:46:04+00:00

Siblings organize motorcycle ride in memory of their sister, Patricia


Siblings organize motorcycle ride in memory of their sister, Patricia Forever 41 Memorial Ride takes place on August 7th, 2022 Patricia Dawn was always a helper. She was born in Kamloops, BC and lived all over the Lower Mainland. She held two degrees, one in psychology and the other in nursing [...]

Siblings organize motorcycle ride in memory of their sister, Patricia2023-02-08T18:46:04+00:00

Staff Spotlight: Adrian


Staff Spotlight: Adrian Meet Adrian: Canada Suicide Prevention Service Training and Recruitment Coordinator at Distress Centre. Canada Suicide Prevention Service (CSPS) is a national network of existing distress, crisis and suicide prevention line services. Distress Centre Calgary is part of that network and volunteers and staff answer calls and texts from people across Canada [...]

Staff Spotlight: Adrian2023-02-08T18:46:28+00:00

Volunteer Spotlight: Anika


Volunteer Spotlight: Anika For anyone thinking of volunteering with Distress Centre, Anika has this advice: “Go for it!” And: “It’s not as scary as you think.” When a call, chat or text is received by Distress Centre or ConnecTeen, DC’s youth crisis support service, it’s true that the volunteer doesn’t know what the subject [...]

Volunteer Spotlight: Anika2023-02-08T18:46:28+00:00

Meet Candice: Director of Programs at SORCe


Meet Candice: Director of Programs at SORCe And get to know Distress Centre’s off-site programs Candice Giammarino joined Distress Centre Calgary in July 2021 as the Director of Programs at SORCe. Prior to joining DC, Candice worked with the Calgary Homeless Foundation for over five years as a System Planner, and has over [...]

Meet Candice: Director of Programs at SORCe2023-02-08T18:46:30+00:00
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