
Senior’s Week: What should you do if you see a missing senior?


In Calgary, approximately 180 vulnerable seniors are reported missing each year. These incidents place a tremendous toll on family members, friends, and neighbours of the missing person, and often require the involvement of costly emergency services to search. Silver Alert systems engage the community in locating missing older people who have cognitive challenges. During Seniors’ [...]

Senior’s Week: What should you do if you see a missing senior?2018-06-06T00:08:17+00:00

Outrun the Stigma raises a record $33,000 for Distress Centre!


Outrun the Stigma is an annual 5k walk/10k run that was founded by two University of Calgary students, Leah Shipton and Amy Li, who noticed a gap in the running culture for runs raising awareness for mental health. In October 2013, the DC on Campus Club and the Mental Health Awareness Club, organized the first [...]

Outrun the Stigma raises a record $33,000 for Distress Centre!2023-04-15T20:19:34+00:00

Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association and Distress Centre partnership a ‘win-win’


Gulya Taubaldieva, Fitore Bajraktari and Sarah Xu, all CIWA grads and now DCC staff, with crisis counsellor Edwin Morales (back) helping out at our Lend An Ear Breakfast on September 22, 2016. Every year thousands of newcomers to Canada settle in Calgary. In 2014 we welcomed over 19,000 permanent residents to our city, and by 2020 Calgary’s [...]

Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association and Distress Centre partnership a ‘win-win’2016-11-09T16:57:21+00:00
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