
What to do when you’re worried about someone’s mental health


According to the Canadian Mental Health Association, 1 in 5 people in Canada will personally experience a mental health problem or illness in any given year. Each of us can play a part in helping the people in our lives – friends, family members, neighbours and coworkers - who are struggling with their mental health. [...]

What to do when you’re worried about someone’s mental health2019-01-29T17:24:22+00:00

How the very busy Karen, from Stresscase, builds self-care into her day


Karen Pickles first called Distress Centre’s crisis line six years ago. As a single mother of two children and caregiver to someone with severe mental health issues, she found herself calling DC often. “I’m sure that we would have called on a weekly basis for the first year,” Karen recalled. “There’s been so many times [...]

How the very busy Karen, from Stresscase, builds self-care into her day2019-01-08T16:16:38+00:00

Why Distress Centre Matters: “Calling this line helps me feel less isolated.”


“Distress Centre, Gwen speaking.” “Hello, my name is Mary*,” said a soft voice on the other end of the line. “I’m having a hard day.” “I’m sorry to hear that,” responded Gwen, a crisis line volunteer at Distress Centre. “Do you want to tell me about it?” Mary sighed. “I’ve had some pretty severe health [...]

Why Distress Centre Matters: “Calling this line helps me feel less isolated.”2018-12-27T21:30:43+00:00

Why Distress Centre Matters: “I just filed for bankruptcy. I want to thank you.”


“Distress Centre, Omar speaking.” “Hello, my name is Adam*,” said the voice on the other end of the phone. Omar*, a crisis line volunteer in the Distress Centre contact centre, listened intently. “I just filed for bankruptcy and I am so relieved. I just wanted to call and say thank you.” “I’m happy to hear [...]

Why Distress Centre Matters: “I just filed for bankruptcy. I want to thank you.”2018-12-20T09:00:36+00:00

A call to Distress Centre Calgary saved my life: Lee Horbachewski


In October 2004, Lee Horbachewski was without hope. She was suffering from untreated postpartum depression after the birth of her second daughter and was ready to take her life. She had a plan and the means to attempt suicide. In a moment of clarity, she pulled out the phone book and found the number for [...]

A call to Distress Centre Calgary saved my life: Lee Horbachewski2018-10-10T18:12:43+00:00

Physical fitness as a tool to promote addiction recovery


Guest post by Caleb Anderson. People with drug and alcohol addictions are generally not the healthiest of people. A substance abuse disorder is a type of self-harm, involving a lack of self-esteem. Drugs and alcohol make it harder to love yourself. As a result, you won’t take care of yourself. When you’re in recovery, you [...]

Physical fitness as a tool to promote addiction recovery2018-08-15T09:27:58+00:00

SROI shows that DC creates $7.42 in value for every $1 invested


We are pleased to announce that a recent social return on investment case study has shown that every dollar invested into Distress Centre creates a minimum of $7.42 in value for stakeholders impacted by the work of our 24/7 crisis program. What is an SROI? An SROI seeks to illustrate the value of outcomes experienced [...]

SROI shows that DC creates $7.42 in value for every $1 invested2018-05-10T20:22:28+00:00

Kate Billett: A passion for helping others


When Kate Billett was 16-years-old she made a decision to pursue social work. “I wanted a career where I could help people,” says Kate. “I developed a passion for crisis line work and mental health, so that’s what ultimately drove me into social work.” Originally, Kate thought she wanted to be a teacher, but her [...]

Kate Billett: A passion for helping others2018-05-01T22:34:17+00:00

7 Things that Happen When You Contact a Crisis Line


We know reaching out to a crisis line takes a great deal of courage. That courage comes from admitting and accepting the fact you need help, and that you are willing to take that first step. It also comes from fearing the unknown. You might ask, “What happens when I contact a crisis line? Who [...]

7 Things that Happen When You Contact a Crisis Line2018-01-30T17:00:53+00:00

Recovery and Reconnection: The Best Holiday Gift You Can Share


Author: Teresa Greenhill The holidays can be especially difficult for seniors in recovery. You might be used to being the matriarch at holiday gatherings. The one who hosted the big dinners, the one who graciously wrote all the cards, wrapped the gifts, and gave the toast. But addiction may have changed that. If you’re a [...]

Recovery and Reconnection: The Best Holiday Gift You Can Share2017-12-24T08:59:08+00:00
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