Summer Self-Care


Summer Self-Care July 24th is International Self-Care Day, a day to nurture yourself and respect your needs. Any activity we intentionally do to care for our physical, mental, and emotional health is self-care. When you practice meaningful self-care, you can avoid burnout, reduce anxiety, improve your mood, and ensure you have the mental [...]

Summer Self-Care2023-07-24T23:39:53+00:00

Reflecting on the ten year anniversary of the Alberta floods


Reflecting on the ten year anniversary of the Alberta floods Image: Riverfront Avenue in Calgary after the 2013 flood. Photo by Ryan Quan. This June marks the ten year anniversary of the Alberta floods, which included major flooding in Calgary, High River and the surrounding communities. More than 100,000 people were impacted with many losing [...]

Reflecting on the ten year anniversary of the Alberta floods2023-06-22T18:52:31+00:00

Resources for someone experiencing suicidal thoughts


Resources for someone experiencing suicidal thoughts In our society, people talk about mental health more than ever. But suicide is often kept quiet – and it’s costing lives. For our 2022 Annual Report, we wanted to emphasize the importance of talking about suicide, like we do every day at [...]

Resources for someone experiencing suicidal thoughts2023-05-17T22:43:19+00:00

Crisis Counsellor Guest Post: How does Distress Centre support mental health?


Crisis Counsellor Guest Post: How does Distress Centre support mental health? Guest Post by: Michael Moosbauer (MSW, RSW), Crisis Counsellor at Distress Centre Calgary As someone who has worked at Distress Centre for many years in a variety of roles, occasionally I have heard that we do not “do” mental health, instead we [...]

Crisis Counsellor Guest Post: How does Distress Centre support mental health?2023-05-17T22:43:32+00:00

Q1 Update with Robyn Romano, Distress Centre’s CEO


Q1 Update with Robyn Romano, Distress Centre's CEO 2023 has had a lot in store for Distress Centre. Join Robyn Romano, Distress Centre CEO, and Aisha Sheikh, Crisis Line Volunteer, to learn about exciting updates, events and more in our Q1 update. Watch: Please note that answers have been edited for clarity [...]

Q1 Update with Robyn Romano, Distress Centre’s CEO2023-05-17T22:43:51+00:00

Three lessons from the 2022 AIRS Conference in Baltimore


Three lessons from the 2022 AIRS Conference in Baltimore Guest Post: Nadiya Hasan, 211 Community Resource Specialist and Contact Centre Coordinator at Distress Centre Calgary. Nadiya attended the AIRS Learn conference in Baltimore, Maryland in October 2022. AIRS (The Alliance of Information and Referral Systems) is the professional membership association for community Information [...]

Three lessons from the 2022 AIRS Conference in Baltimore2023-04-15T20:30:04+00:00

February 11th is 211 Day – 211 Calgary


February 11th is 211 Day! We’re excited to celebrate 211 Day on February 11th! Across North America, this is a special day (2/11) to celebrate and raise awareness of 211. What is 211? Contact 211 to access an entire network of community, social, health and government services. Calls, texts and chats are answered [...]

February 11th is 211 Day – 211 Calgary2023-03-27T21:44:10+00:00

Call-Diversion and Co-Location Initiative Update


Call-Diversion and Co-Location Initiative Update Hundreds of non-urgent calls to Calgary 911 have been diverted away from requiring a police response as part of a call-diversion pilot program that began in February between Distress Centre/211, Calgary Police and Calgary 911. Through the program, 248 non-urgent calls to Calgary 911 have been [...]

Call-Diversion and Co-Location Initiative Update2023-02-08T18:46:05+00:00

Announcing our 2022-2025 Strategic Plan!


Announcing our 2022-2025 Strategic Plan! On Wednesday, May 11th, we were pleased to unveil our new 2022-2025 Strategic Plan at our Annual General Meeting. The plan has been developed on the underlying themes of strengthening, adapting and transforming our people, programs and the broader system in which we operate for a [...]

Announcing our 2022-2025 Strategic Plan!2023-02-08T18:46:07+00:00

Looking back on 2021 at Distress Centre


Looking back on 2021 at Distress Centre 2021 was another challenging but exciting year for Distress Centre Calgary. Though we faced, and continue to contend with, the difficulties brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, we also experienced growth, transformation and were able to celebrate some substantial achievements. As we move forward into a [...]

Looking back on 2021 at Distress Centre2023-02-08T18:46:31+00:00
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