We miss you!

Today would have been Lend An Ear 2020.

A message from Roxanne Cote, Resource Development Manager:

“Not having the Lend An Ear event is like missing a close friend’s birthday or anniversary. I will miss seeing you this year. I am very proud that our event has evolved over the years and I will miss seeing all the familiar faces who have supported us year after year.

“Each year our guests are asked to fill out a donation form. This year, I’m asking you to make YOUR donation online. Please donate by midnight. There is a great need for funding for the crisis services, now more than ever. Thank you very much in advance for your gift.”

Read Roxanne’s story: Reflecting on 10 years of Lend An Ear

Our Lend An Ear sponsors – Viewpoint Foundation, LAN Solutions, GLJ Ltd., and Altitude Communications – will match your donation. We’ve raised $5375 so far!

[edgtf_button size=”” type=”” text=”Donate” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”https://stagingdc.podmarketinginc.com/lend-an-ear-month/#donate” target=”_self” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””] We’re disappointed that we can’t physically gather for Lend An Ear’s 10th Anniversary tonight as we’d planned to. But we’ve been celebrating all month long by sharing photos, videos and stories to lendanearyyc.com. Here are a few things we’ve shared:

Lend An Ear Through the Years

Revisit some of the great moments we’ve had together since 2011! Watch our video slideshow and then check out the timeline here to see some photos and fun facts from each year.

Video Messages

Thank you to our past speakers and MCs for sharing special video messages with us this month. Here are a few:

Silken Laumann, keynote speaker for Lend An Ear 2014:

Tom Jackson, keynote speaker for Lend An Ear 2015:

Angela Kokott, MC for 7 years:

See all the videos in a playlist on YouTube.


See photos from each year! We’re adding more every few days:

Thank You to our Sponsors

Thank you to our Lend An Ear sponsors! We’re so grateful they chose to continue to sponsor Lend An Ear 2020, despite the fact that we are not holding an in-person event this year. They’re matching Lend An Ear 2020 donations.

Thank you for reminiscing with us! Visit lendanearyyc.com to see more!