The teen years are a stressful and challenging time. Teens deal with a lot. They have heavy school workloads and many work part-time jobs or juggle extracurricular activities and sports. They experience relationships starting and ending, and many struggle with their body image, depression and anxiety, or experience bullying from their peers.

That’s why teens need to know that they always have somewhere to turn when they need to talk to someone.

Calgary ConnecTeen has supported Calgary teens since 1983 by providing peer support from teen volunteers who better understand what they’re experiencing. Today we offer support by text, phone, chat and email. In 2017 we have seen demand for ConnecTeen services grow by 82%, and demand for texting has increased by 148% compared to 2016.

We strive to ensure that teens feel comfortable reaching out to us. That’s why we have updated the look of ConnecTeen’s branding and website, and changed the ConnecTeen tagline, to one that better reflects the vision of Distress Centre and ConnecTeen. Teens, we want you to talk on your terms when you call, text, chat with or email ConnecTeen.

New Calgary ConnecTeen Logo

The updated ConnecTeen logo.

ConnecTeen is a confidential service. We do not judge, and no problem is too big or too small to contact us about. Phone support is available 24/7. Online services are available daily. Peer support is available from 5-10pm on weekdays and 12-10pm on weekends. Contact us.

Here are some things teens can try to de-stress:

  • Make time today to do something you enjoy
  • Take care of YOU – eat, drink, sleep, etc.
  • Start scheduling your routine. Buy or create an agenda. Try to make it fun and personal and try to schedule something fun and relaxing every day
  • Talk to someone – family, friends, or ConnecTeen!
  • Listen to a great new playlist
  • Exercise in a way you enjoy (run, swim, dance, or yoga)